
The go-to site for exam prep.

ASLearning was founded by Ameet and Aaron, two Imperial College London physics graduates. With decades of tutoring experience between them, they understood the difficulties that parents had preparing their children for specialist exams, such as the 7+, 8+, 13+ scholarship, and CAT4 examinations.

Ameet Shah

Ameet is the director of mypretest & myexampapers; two educational platforms assisting students, parents and teachers with highly competitive entrance exam preparation. He has worked as a teacher for a number of years, specialising in preparing students for the 7+, 8+, 9+, 10+, 11+ and 13+ entrance exams in the UK and internationally.

With a unique and intricate understanding of the UK education system, Ameet holds a strong belief that with high quality resources and accurate, transparent guidance to parents, all students are capable of achieving outstanding results. Over 50% of Ameet’s students, from a vast range of backgrounds, achieved scholarships to the most prestigious UK and International schools in 2021. 

Ameet completed the 11+ exams, achieving scholarships across the board. He attended Queen Elizabeth’s Boys School, Barnet, before completing a degree in Physics at Imperial College London. At Imperial, Ameet was awarded the prestigious Dean’s Scholarship facilitating research at Princeton University into the future safety of Artificial Intelligence. 

Any questions or comments- Ameet would love to hear from you! You can contact him directly at ameet@aslearning.co.uk.

Aaron Soutter

Aaron has been teaching for 7 years.  In 2019 he completed his MSc in Physics, with a specialty in Artificial Intelligence and its applications to Neutrino Physics.  In particular, he worked with the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment department of University College London.

Aaron focuses on helping international students- mostly from China and Russia- achieve entry into prestigious schools in the UK.  His specialties include the CAT4, UKiset, and 13+ examinations.

Aaron attended The King’s School Chester from ages 7-18, before completing a degree in Physics at Imperial, where he met Ameet.

If you would like to get in touch with Aaron directly please do not hesitate to contact him at aaron@aslearning.co.uk.


Our Favourite Facts About Space

Saturn is the only planet in our solar system that is less dense than water. It could float in a bathtub if anybody could build a bathtub big enough.
True to its namesake (the speedy messenger of ancient Roman gods), Mercury is the fastest planet in our solar system. It zips around our Sun at an average of 172,000 kilometres per hour.
Ceres is the largest, most massive body in the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, totalling about a third of the total mass of the entire belt. But Ceres is the smallest of the dwarf planets, which include Pluto and Eris, and the only dwarf planet that resides in the asteroid belt.
If you could stand at the Martian equator, the temperature at your feet would be like a warm spring day, but at your head it would be freezing cold!
Neptune’s winds are the fastest in the solar system, reaching 2,575 kilometres per hour! Neptune’s giant, spinning storms could swallow the whole Earth.
More than 1,300 Earths would fit into Jupiter’s vast sphere.
To detect those tiny signals from space, the Deep Space Network uses dish antennas with diameters of up to 70 meters (230 feet). That’s almost as big as a football field.
The largest canyon system in the solar system is Valles Marineris on Mars. It’s more than 4,000 kilometres (3,000 miles) long — enough to stretch from California to New York. It is nine times as long and four times as deep as Earth’s Grand Canyon!
The average temperature on Venus is more than 480 degrees Celsius.
If you could lump together all the thousands of known asteroids in our solar system, their total mass wouldn’t even equal 10 percent of the mass of Earth’s Moon.